Here are my answers to some of the questions that were asked in the thread, hope it makes your life easier!
1. Do you like Hello kitty
2. Would you like a project bag or needle rolls like the ones pictured here? Or would you prefer a box bag, or drawstring bag, or perhaps a tote? Basically, what kind of bag do you like for a project bag? love drawstring and box bags as long as there is a closure to keep the cats out, could use a needle roll to put my circulars in or my knit picks interchangeable needles!!!!
3. Would you prefer your stalker put together a sort of kit for your package, or would you prefer an eclectic assortment of small goodies? How about a theme for the package? I think either would be fun, themes are good too I'm really easy to please.
4. Would you like/use handspun yarn? Or perhaps spinning fiber? I have some handspun that I haven’t knit up yet, so maybe not
5. Would you like handmade stitch markers? sure!
6. Would you like hand knit dishcloths or spa cloths? Spa ones for the bathroom would be nice
7. Out of these three, which would you like best: a. Fingerless mitts b. Lightweight hat c. Slippers: fingerless mitts
8. If you like fingerless mitts, do you have a preference for yarn weight? for fingerless mitts I like fingering, DK or worsted weight and I love most colours - just nothing fluorescent or pastels please :)
9. And do you like Mal sock? LOVE mal sock, it’s so squishy and soft :)
10. Any particular scents you like/dislike for lotions/soaps? scents I don’t like are strong flowers, scents I do like are fresh fruity like grapefruit, melon, citrus, vanilla, cucumber, coconut, pineapple…
11. How do you feel about Vegemite/Marmite? I would try it, don't know if I'd like it!
12. Given a choice, would you prefer to receive something listed in your favorites, or a complete surprise that may or may not be knit? I love surprises, but also love my favorites and queued patterns :)
13. What kind of needles do you have mostly: straights, circulars, or dpn’s? I use all but mostly circs & dpns
14. Do you prefer gold, silver, or copper with your beads? Earrings, stitch markers, or necklaces? silver or copper, stitch markers or necklaces
15. Do you prefer “fancy/quality yarn” or “quantity yarn?” quality over quantity if you want to really spoil me
16. Would you prefer something that you have openly requested, or something that I know you want but that you won’t knit/make/buy/otherwise obtain on your own? Oooh the second one sounds fun!
17. Would you rather have something in your absolute favorite color, or something in another color you mentioned you like as well? Or maybe a totally surprise color, as long as it isn’t one of the dreaded colors you mentioned? Or am I just the only one that thinks about these things and you couldn’t care less, lol? I would love a surprise, or something I said I like! Just not the dreaded ones please
18. Would you like to ride Heidi’s jet pack? ??? YES!!
19. Do you like boucle? not really
20. Do you like toys? I do, but I have too many I think
21. If GnaS were to spin you some yarn would you prefer: a. Llama: white, brown, possibly some black b. Alpaca: fawn, darker fawn c. Angora: White (snow white…need sunglasses white), Red (tannish), Blue (gray) d. Corriedale: White(natural), colored (shades of gray) e. Columbia: White(natural) f. Also, what weight? Do you like laceweight? Fingering? 2 or 3 ply? g. okay, now that you have all the options, and ability to decide if you want any of them combined, say a ply each….or would you like the fiber itself to play with instead? I like naturals and greys, 2 or 3 ply DK weight?
22. Would you enjoy getting a regional treat from your stalker that may not be available where you are? Is there anything in particular that you like that you cannot get where you live? Oooh I love getting things I can't find around here!! yes please!
23. Malabrigo, Manos, or Queensland yarn? First choice of colors? Oooh I would love some Manos or Mal in reds, blues, purples….
24. Would you rather get just a few really nice things, or a bunch of little fun things in your package? A few really nice things would be nice, but either way works for me! Surprise me!!!
25. Is there anything you might like from WEBS when your spoiler goes there this weekend for a class? WEBS Beads, perhaps? the Jojoland Rhythm Superwash looks pretty nice! As does Aslan Trends Bariloche, I love beads as well, for making jewelery and stitch markers!
26. How do you feel about woven scarves? Or would you rather have a minion? I’ve never owned a woven scarf though so leaning more towards that
27. How do you feel about handmade cards/notecards? always welcome!
28. Do you like to cook, and would you like some special recipes? if it’s easy it’s good for me, I’m in the middle for cooking talents
29. Home made maple syrup or fresh honey? (Heidi will squeeze the bees herself!) honey please!! I’ve got my own maple syrup dealer
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